Mr. Justice Sudhansu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya
Mr. Justice Sudhansu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya was appointed as a permanent Judge of the High Court of Patna on 8th November, 1994. He was transferred on 15th November 2000 as permanent judge of the High Court of Jharkhand on its creation, where he served as the Acting Chief Justice for about a year and three months. On 31st August 2006 he was transferred and joined as the first Puisne judge in the High Court of Madras where he also functioned as the Acting Chief Justice for about five months. Thereafter from 8th December 2009 to 12th September 2011 he was the Chief Justice of the High Court of Gujarat.
On 13th September 2011 he was elevated to the Supreme Court of India from where he retired on 14th March 2015.
On 1st June 2016 he joined as the first Chairperson of the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal.
After the retirement, he has been appointed as the first Chairperson of National Company Law Appellate Tribunal on 1st June, 2016. In his capacity as the Chairperson, he has delivered judgments explaining different provisions of newly enacted Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 on which there is no precedent.